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A member registered Nov 14, 2021

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Ok it works again, it's just my internet was bad (also my favorite even is the big mushroom UwU)

I lost all my progress oof ;-;

That third painting is to scary for me,I wasn't a fan of scary things so why am I even here, I like the game a lot tho but I'm to scared to come out of the room where the generator is XD

I'm on a phone and I cant see stuff....its like I'm blind, help :(

I'm on a phone and I wish I owned a computer :( also nvm I found my problem, I think I had to press on it or something like that and it works normally 

I play this on a phone and for some reason it takes a long time to load, the game loading is just halfed and its annoying, although it a really good game I hate it to wait five minutes or more so I can finally play again (my English might be bad so I'm sorry😅

Also I think Derek is my favorite character because you know😉

Who didnt just go the sluty route because of the images